UK Wholesale Online Market Report 2022 (Foodservice)

£9,950.00 (Excluding VAT)

Featuring unique insights based on actual operator shopping behaviours gained through our wholesale partners, the Lumina Intelligence Wholesale Online Report 2022: Foodservice provides a comprehensive guide on how to win within this increasingly complex channel. The principles that this report offers can be implemented to deliver short-term successes and long-term gains with your wholesale customers.

Report Details

Despite an abundance of insights and advice available on how to operate on B2C online spaces, the B2B space has always been underestimated by suppliers, in part due to the lack of data available. The coronavirus pandemic has accelerated a shift towards digital, with operators opting to use wholesaler apps and websites more frequently in order to improve speed and efficiency.

Our first of its kind research shows that foodservice customers are moving to online ordering and using multiple platforms. It’s crucial to understand the differences of how these platforms are shopped and reflect these in your B2B eCommerce strategy.


• This is the first report of its kind, with this data not available elsewhere
• A unique opportunity for suppliers to work closely and support the growth of foodservice wholesalers in digital
• Understand the differences needed between retail wholesalers & foodservice wholesalers to create a specific growth strategy for foodservice
• Support on understanding what foodservice operators need to move from telephone ordering to online ordering
• Ensure your products are easily found on websites and identify opportunities to grow your penetration
• Identify the most effective touchpoints to engage with foodservice customers across both web and app shopping journeys

Path to purchase

  • What is the % share between App and Website?
  • What is the average order size?
  • What are the main missions?
  • How has Covid impacted path to purchase?

Category focus

  • What are average basket sizes?
  • What categories are most often purchased?
  • What are the top over/under indexing categories?
  • In what order are customers shopping different
  • How effective are category filters?
  • What is best practice for product imagery?
  • Are there online category ‘footfall drivers’?

Search analysis

  • Is search used more or less on app?
  • What does search decision hierarchy look like?
  • Are customers searching by brand or sub-category?
  • Media and promotional effectiveness
  • What are the most effective media types for desktop vs app?
  • What is best practice in banners/media?
  • What is the role of promotions online?
  • Where in the customer journey does promotional hunting occur?

Seasonal opportunities and key dates

  • When is basket size value highest during the year?
  • What categories see an increase during key seasonal occasions
  • Which has the biggest seasonal opportunities?

Future outlook

  • How has the pandemic impacted the future?
  • What are the key market innovations to know about?
  • How can suppliers future proof their strategies?
  • Best-in-class examples

We have been given unlimited access to the web & app analytics that sit behind several of the leading UK wholesalers’ B2B online portals. Rarely shared, if ever, this data (based on 12 continuous months) allows us to understand exactly how foodservice customers are behaving, navigating and purchasing through the total B2B space.

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